
We offer creative workshops for childeren and adolescents to create all kinds of things with different materials: Sculptures, jewels, teddies, mosaics, paintings, keychains, circus equipment, masks, collage, clothes, handbags etc. It’s a way to express themselves via the creativity and the imagination. Art helps childrens and adolescents to think about how to make something by being creative instead of buying the things already made.

We like to work with recycled materials like bicycle tires , jeans, all types of plastic, sheetings etc.

What we propose:

  • Workshops where children and youngsters can express themselves through visual and artisan arts.

Finalised Projects


Every Wednesday during 5 years, Marta and Jonas gave a workshop Bricol’Art in the creative center of expression Foyer des Jeunes and every Sunday in the refugee center Petit-Château. During these workshops we always worked around specific projects with results which the participants can use afterwards for themselves or in a project we did together (clothes for performances, exhibition of art…).